Non- Communicable Diseases

The Maldives has transitioned epidemiologically from a high burden of communicable disease towards an increasing burden of NCDs. Non-Communicable diseases and its risk factors continue to be the top-five leading of death in the Maldives. NCDs are estimated to account for 85% of all deaths. Including 38% of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), 18 % Cancer, 9% Chronic respiratory diseases, 6% diabetes and 16% from other NCDs.

Tobacco use

In Maldives 1 in 4 people age between 15-65 years are smokers. Currently 23% people (35.6% Male and 7.6% Female) use any type of tobacco. The youngest age of starting smoking is 8 years.

Alcohol and drug Use

1 in 20 people had consume alcohol at least once in their life and 1 in 4 people used at least once in the past of the survey period. (STEP Survey 2020-2022)


1 in 3 people had raised cholesterol, among those diagnosed, 33.4% reported that they were told that they have raised blood cholesterol in the past 12 months, and 93.7% of the people diagnosed are currently taking medicines.

Physical inactivity

1 in 2 people did not meet WHO requirement for physical activity, which is defined as < 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week, or equivalent.

Body weight

1 in 2 people is overweight and 1 in 5 people is obese

Blood Pressure

1 in 4 had raised BP and 87.8 % percentage with raised BP (SBP ≥ 140 and/or DBP ≥ 90 mmHg or currently on medication for raised BP


14% has fasting high blood sugar Percentage impaired or raised fasting blood glucose.

Capillary whole blood value ≥5.6 mmol/L (100 mg/dl and 97.3% of the people diagnosed are currently taking medicines and 64.9% are taking insulin)




1 in 2 people ate LESS THAN 5 SERVINGS of fruit and/or vegetables on average per day

1 in 3 people always or often ADD EXTRA SALT to their food before eating or as they are eating. Mean intake of salt per day is 8.8 grams this is 4 times more than WHO RDI

Cardio-Vascular Disease (CVD) Risk

1 in 3 people aged between 18-44 years have 3 or more risk factors for CVD and 1 in 2 people 45–69 years have 3 or more risk factors for CVD. 13.6% people aged between 40-69 years have a 10-year CVD risk ≥ 20%, or with existing CVD*